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Version: 0.0.6

Functions & Methods


In Vapour functions are declared much differently than they are in R, methods even more so. This is both to make it more readable and easier to parse, R has some oddities with how methods are declared.

In R functions are declared like so:

foo <- function(x) {
x + 1

Whilst this works great for functions it becomes confusing when declaring methods, e.g.: <- function(x) {}

In the above, it is actually impossible to tell whether we are declaring:

  • A function called
  • A method foo on data.frame
  • A method on frame

Either method declarations should have been done differently, or R should not have allowed . in function names, and other identifiers.

Hence, Vapour changes the way functions and methods are declared. The way functions and methods are declared is taken from Go. This is because the way methods are declared and dispatched in Go is very similar to R.


In Vapour return is a keyword rather than a function and is mandatory. Inplicitely returning the last the last line is confusing.

Take for instance the function below, it's very hard for anyone to guess what it actually returns.

foo <- function(){
x <- list()
x$name <- 2

The above actually returns 2. Confusion only increases when the function makes use of branching.

foo <- function(x = FALSE){
x <- list()
if(!x) {
x$valid <- 1
} else {
x$valid <- "hello"

Therefore, we make the return keyword mandatory in Vapour.


Functions are declared with the func keyword, we indicate the types of each argument as well as the type the function returns.


In Vapour return is a keyword and is mandatory, this is what the language uses to know what is returned by functions.

func add(x: int, y: int): int {
return x + y

In R functions always return something there is no void, so use null instead.

func add(x: char): null {

Anonymous Functions

Anonymous functions are declared as shown below, inspired from Javascript, unlike Javascript Vapour expects curly braces ({}).

lapply(1..10, (x: int): int => {
return x + 1


You can define methods on your custom types.

type car struct {
name: char

func (c: char) print(name: char): car {
c$name = 1

Class Decorator

You can use the decorator @class to customise the class assigned to your object if you are not happy with the above.

@class(a, thing, on, wheels)
type vehicle: struct {
name: char

let train: vehicle = vehicle(
name = "tchoo tchoo"

Generic Decorator

You can use the decorator @generic to define a generic

type user: object {
id: int,
name: char

func (u: any) set_id(id: int): any

func (u: user) set_id(id: int): user {
u$id = id
return u