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The language server protocol can be launched with vapour -lsp. Note that the LSP only runs on save (live diagnostics are obnoxious).


The LSP currently only provides diagnostics: feedback on your code, type checking, etc. but does not provide autocompletion.



Install the Vim integration to get syntax highlighting as well as LSP diagnostics.

Plug 'vapourlang/vapour-vim'


Install the Neovim integration to get syntax highlighting as well as LSP diagnostics.

config = function()


Install the extension to get syntax highlighting as well as LSP diagnostics.


You can customise the LSP by creating a .vapour file in your home directory (~).

"lsp": {
"when": ["open", "save", "close", "change"],
"severity": ["fatal", "warn", "hint, "info"]


Defines when the LSP runs:

  • open: when a vapour file is opened
  • save: when a vapour file is saved
  • close: when a vapour file is closed
  • change: when a vapour file is changed

You can remove any of these to disable that behaviour, e.g.: you can remove change to not have the LSP interrupt you as you write code.


Customise what errors are displayed:

  • fatal: fatal errors that result in the code not being transpiled to R
  • warn: severe warnings that result in the code not being transpiled to R
  • hint: hints to improve code
  • info: informational messages

Remove a severity to not have messages of that severity shown in your editor (not recommended).