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Basics of the CLI.


You can get help with vapour -h

Usage of vapour:
Run type checker
Run {devtools} commands after transpilation, e.g.: -devtools=document,check
Get help on commands
-indir string
Directory of vapour files to process
-infile string
Vapour file to process
Run the language server protocol
-outdir dir
Directory where to place transpiled files from dir (defaults to R) (default "R")
-outfile infile
Name of R file to where to palce transpiled infile. (defaults to vapour.R) (default "vapour.R")
-port string
Port on which to run the language server protocol, only used if -tcp flag is passed (defaults to 3000) (default "3000")
Run the REPL
Run the transpiled vapour files
Run the language server protocol on TCP
-types string
Path where to generate the type files, only applies if passing a directory with -indir (default "inst/types.vp")
Retrieve vapour version


Transpile Directory

The example command below will transpile all .vp files from the vp directory (indir flag), and place the resulting R code in the R directory (ourdir flag which defaults to R)

vapour -indir=vp -outdir=R

Transpile File

Transpiles the script.vp to R creating the script.R file

vapour -infile=script.vp -outfile=script.R



You can use any of the commands above but add the -check-only flag to---not transpile the file---and instead just run the type checker.

vapour -indir=vp -check-only

vapour -infile=script.vp -check-only


You can use any of the transpile commands above but add the -run-only flag to—not transpile the file—and instead run them in R directly (not generating the transpiled R code).

vapour -infile=script.vp -run-only


This is to launch the Language Server Protocol and should not be run manually. This is only useful if you want to integrate Vapour with another editor.

By default the LSP will use stdin and stdout.

vapour -lsp

You can serve it on a TCP server with:

vapour -lsp -tcp -port=3000


There is a devtools argument for convinience, you can pass it a comma separated list of devtools function to run if the transpilation is successful.

vapour -infile=script.vp -devtools=document,check

vapour -indir=vp -devtools=document,check,install

This is to reduce the repetitive rinse and repeat when building packages.


Retrieve the current vapour version.

vapour -version