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S3 Methods

This is probably a crucial example as it demonstrates one great way to use Vapour. R's S3 dispatch methods are very common in R and in fact somewhat resembles the idea of "types:" dispatching methods based on an object class.

Assume we're working with a simple database, we need to fetch users from the database, update the users table, etc (CRUD). We should probably define a user object that would allow us to ensure we always work with the right structure, and expected types.


Here we assume this is created within an R package.

We define a user type.

type user: object {
id: int,
name: char

Now we can define a function that will create a user.

func create_user(): user {
return user()

Now we can define our methods on the user object, we'll define two methods to update the id and the name of a user.

Set ID

func (x: any) set_id(id: int, ...: any): any

#' @export
func (x: user) set_id(id: int, ...: any): user {
x$id = id
return x

Set name

func (x: any) set_name(name: char, ...: any): any

#' @export
func (x: user) set_name(name: char, ...: any): user {
x$name = name
return x

With the methods created we can now used them!

let john: user = create_user() |>
set_id(1) |>

Finally, you can transpile the code.

vapour -indir=vp